Your papa asked me yesterday what it's like to have you growing inside me. I think about it often, but didn't know he was interested. Let's see how well I can express this...
At times, I am completely overwhelmed by the thought of you. When I feel you moving, it's like no other feeling. It makes me happy, because it eases my mind to know that you must be happy and healthy to be so active. =) I am in awe of the thought of you... so precious & unique already. I smile because I just feel that you must be so in tune with us already. A good example of why I say this is because, it's almost like clock work, especially on the days I work. Our routine in the morning is to hit the snooze once or twice & once that alarm goes off, it's our cuddle time with your Papa. You don't usually begin moving until he cuddles us. I imagine you are giving him a fist bump or 2 every time. Then, there are the days like today & yesterday where I told your papa you were moving & he comes over & you abruptly stop with the movements, almost as if to assert that you already have a mind of your own. It's almost like you are playing a game with your Papa...
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