ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Monday, July 13, 2015


I go through my life
Doing what I feel I should;
Not caring about the fact
That I am misunderstood.

I've tried so hard
To justify what I do;
And people still think
I can't let go of you.

If I tried to explain it,
I don't think I could...
Maybe I'm better off
Just being misunderstood.

I love you more than ever...
That I won't deny;
As for living in the past...
That would be a lie.

Do I have regrets?
I don't see why I should.
Maybe it's just better
I remain misunderstood.

It would take a lifetime
To explain the things I've done;
So I'll just cut my losses
And remember what I've won.

I've learned from my life
More than I thought I would;
And that's why it doesn't matter
If I am still misunderstood.

I won't dwell on the past
Or spend my life on regret.
I am going to live my life...
For it's the only one I get.

I know my life will happen
Just the way it should;
So I will keep on living,
Even if it means being misunderstood.

I've gained knowledge.
I've gained skill.
I know how to focus
On what is real.

Even if our paths never cross again,
As I know full well they could;
That's just one of the things about me
That remains misunderstood.

I realize that,
Just like everyone else does.
But I choose to focus
More on our love.

The biggest thing that scares me-
As rightfully it should...
That bond so powerful,
That is often misunderstood.

If we don't spend
Our forever together,
That doesn't mean it wasn't real...
That kind of love lasts forever!

I hope against hope,
As rightfully I should;
Even though, even to me,
That bond is misunderstood.

I don't have all the answers.
I just hold on to the truth;
Even when that truth
Leads me straight back to you.

I just keep on living
My life the way I should;
Hoping against hope,
That bond won't always be misunderstood.

I know the possibilities.
I'm not going through this blind.
I have no false pretences.
I don't want to rewind.

I needed the time
To do what I could.
I still need time
And hope I'm not misunderstood.

I need time, just like you,
To do the things I haven't done;
To get to the end
Of this path I am on.

To do for myself
These things I should;
So that maybe part of me
Won't be misunderstood.

It's the only part of me
That absolutely no one can take.
It's the truest part of me...
The part I could never fake.

So I cherish this chance you gave,
As only you could.
I know in my heart
I won't always be misunderstood.

I have a certain faith
In this thing that I love.
It's all mine
To be proud of.

No one can take it away from me.
It's not something they should;
For it's my dream,
Even if it's misunderstood.

Maybe when this path ends,
You will then know what you want;
But I can't focus on that now;
I just feel I shouldn't.

I've got too much happening in my life right now
To be worried about " what could's " .
It's actually quite simple , you see.
I don't know why it's so misunderstood.

I won't chase after you this time.
It's something you must decide.
I know what I deserve
And won't be taken for a ride.

It's quite simple, as you can see.
There's not much room to be misunderstood;
This time around, I'm doing for me;
So that I can finally be understood.

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