ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Describing how I am feeling... last night, I felt a little like I was having my period... No cramps, just feeling bleh. Today, I feel pretty good. Energy levels seem to be pretty good today, so maybe the rest I got yesterday did us good? That's what I am going with. =)

Today is a glorious day with loads of sunshine. I am on lunch & going to sit outside & read for a bit. Watermelon & iced coffee in hand. I must say that I recommend the book Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives by Deepak Chopra to all pregnant women & anyone interested in eventually having children. It is an amazing book.

I just told your Uncle Richard about you. He said congrats. You'll learn he is a man of few words. I know he loves me, but he gets his communication skills from both our mother & father &, well, let's face it... neither one of them is very good on that department. Your grandma is great at communication if it is constructive criticism, otherwise, not so much. Your grandpa can act interested when he chooses, however, it is all on his time. I love them all dearly & just accept them for who they are. It makes things a whole lot easier that way. In life, that is what I think you need to do to be happy & get by. I think we too often try to make everyone fit into this cookie cutter mold of what we think. By doing this, we sell people short. We take away the very things that make them unique in the first place. Instead of trying to make them fit in this cookie cutter mold, we need to allow them to be who they are & appreciate them for their individuality. If we can't do this, then we just need to let them be, instead of trying to take their uniqueness & individuality away. I just went off on a tangent. I am totally distractable today.

Another one written September 6, that I forgot to publish.

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