ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Friday, August 08, 2014

Answered Prayers

Life is one hell of a crazy ride. It is happy & sad, crazy & calm, & ever so beautiful in so very many ways. Evaluating the past few months alone, gives me much to reflect on. Looking at my life, I can't help but be amazed & feel ever so blessed. It blows my mind to think that there are people out there who think there is no God or that He is an awful being to allow so much bad in this world. In all my struggles in life, I have learned that we experience the bad to help us grow. We experience the bad to remind us that we aren't meant to spend our forever here on this earth. It is about how we perceive things. Attitude is everything & an attitude of gratitude goes much further than resentment or bitterness or anger. The only person you hurt when you harbor these negative emotions, is yourself. It will eat you alive. Negativity is all consuming & drains the life right out of you. Gratitude fills you up & the more grateful you are, the more blessed you become. In my life, I know this to be true.

This past few months have been a crazy ride. I have learned so much. I have grown so much. It is incredible to me to think what God has in store for me. I have mentioned many times how I feel that everything has a reason. "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord." There was a definite purpose for me being at Healing Foundations. I know I was guided there because I needed to experience PEMF therapy & all it has to offer. I needed to be there because I needed to grow as a massage practitioner. I learned more there than I ever did from any of the doctors I worked for. Stacey was a fountain of knowledge & for that, I will forever be grateful. On that note, I know & I trust God had a plan for me when I lost my job pulsing the way I did. Idaho tied up my license. I had to jump through tremendous hoops but it paid off & although I didn't get my pulsing job back, I did learn even more than I ever could have dreamed. I learned first hand what it's like to fight for what you believe in & what you're passionate about. I learned what it is to have complete faith in God's plan. Once I learned that lesson, I was granted my license. <3 p="">
Next, as anyone who knows me is aware, I am an introvert by nature. I am not shy, I just don't go out of my way to meet people. I observe more than I interact in the majority of situations. I believe things happen for a reason & when they happen, there is also a reason for that. Beth told me the other day that when she does things "out of character" she usually says her guardian angel nudged her. Well, there were a few instances where I think my guardian angel nudged me. First one is Catholic Match... It is so out of character & out of my comfort zone to do anything like that, however, maybe a month or two ago, I signed up. I would peruse the profiles & was disheartened by the lack of originality on most of the pages I viewed. Don't get me wrong, I am sure there were many good people, but none that stuck with me. The things that were important to them seemed to lack any thought of what is truly important. The standard questions asked were: What would your ideal first date be.... What would your dream vacation be...blah, blah, blah. I mean, where are the questions pertaining to the practice of the faith, the family, the meat & potatoes, so to speak?

Then, I happened upon a very unique profile. His questions gave me reason to pause. First question was about the women of the old testament & who I could most relate to/ who I most admired. The next was about wearing a veil. So, my guardian angel gave me a little nudge. I went out of my comfort zone... & we all know that if we aren't out of our comfort zone, we aren't growing... so, I took this gentleman's interview. &, since I was already growing, I figured I may as well grow some more. I took a few more, even though they weren't as eye catching as the first. I got a response to the interview questions. Now, here's where it gets funny & interesting. First thing, my response about the veil seemed to be the point of intrigue. :) Second thing, His name happens to be Michael. So far, he seems to be a man with much depth to him. I can't really explain it, but even before I heard back from him, I noticed there was a depth to him. & the interesting thing is, there wasn't a whole lot in the profile that was unusual. I can't put my finger on it, other than to say that, like Beth, I think my guardian angel was nudging me in his direction. I am embracing the experience of meeting a new friend who has similar views about more than just religion.

Then, Beth from St. Dominic's & church messaged me saying she was intrigued by all my posts & wanted to get together to know me a little better & understand my views on things. It was incredible getting to know her now, as opposed to when we were both at St. Dominic's.

As far as answered prayers, most of you already know I pray for good & holy influences in our lives daily. I also pray that if there are no good & holy influences, that we have no friends. With that being said, I have found that, again, everything happens for a reason & what may have been good yesterday, if it no longer serves that purpose of being a good & holy influence, I am finding that God is removing those things from my life. On the other hand, I am also finding that I am making some incredibly fascinating & exciting & like minded connections! May I always be open to accepting whatever or whoever it is that God puts in our path!

PRAY HARD, TRUST HARDER! Thy will be done, always!

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