ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Saturday, May 16, 2015

To Vaccinate or Not...

We are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image and, with that in mind, I know we were created in an incredible way and that we were given the tools to heal ourselves. Pain is the body's warning sign that something is wrong; a fever aids the body in fighting off infection; a seizure is the brains way of resetting itself; Vitamin K levels are the highest at around 8 days old, which, I believe is tied to the old concept of circumcision. I believe in alternative health care. I take measures to build and strengthen our immune systems. I choose to trust in the things that God has made available to us. there are so many wonderful things that can build, strengthen and repair our immune systems. Disease/ illness can't thrive in an alkaline state, which, I do believe is why so many are so sick.... the bodies are too acidic. I will save that discussion for another day, maybe... ;)
 I choose to trust in nature, most especially because, as can be seen by the recent instance of the measles outbreak, one can still contract it from the vaccinated.... the CDC's records even indicated that 12 % of the Disneyland cases WERE vaccinated. Despite that fact, death from measles is rare. There's a higher probability of having autism than there is of dying from measles. God has provided us with natural alternatives. For instance, turmeric and black pepper have incredible antiinflammatory properties; dandelions, benotonite clay, grapefruit seed extract, colloidal silver, oil of oregano, coconut oil and the list could go on and on.

Although I may not be a doctor, I have worked with and for them for years. I've spoken to many on both sides of this discussion. I've read the vaccine and drug inserts. I've spoken to the drug reps from these big companies. I've also spoken to and know families who have both vaxed and non vaxed kids, sometimes single families who have both as well. I was non vaxed as a child and remember being sick once with nothing severe. As an adult, I thought I knew more than my mom and had myself vaccinated, without researching things first. I ended up with allergies, asthma, and chronic sinus and brochial issues as well, none of which showed up until after the vaccines when I was in my 20's. Now, you may or may not be aware that I was over 300 lbs., so, there was bound to be health issues, however, I do believe that improper diet, coupled with the vaccines did contribute to quite a number of my health issues.

Have you ever sat down to read the ingredient list on these vaccines, or heck, on any of the drugs the doctors perscribe? I have seen quite a few of these ingredient lists. They include and are not limited to thimerisol, aluminum, mercury, aborted fetal cell lines from humans and animals, various animal proteins and bloods, MSG, and formaldehyde. Has anyone ever read teh inserts about the side effects that include seizures, sudden death, autism, and a multitude of other health issues? Have any studies ever been done to know the effects when the different vaccines/drugs are taken with other vaccines/drugs? These are some of the things I think about when exercising my parental right to choose whether or not to vaccinate. I don't post them to condemn the parents who choose to vaccinate. In addition, I think that we place too much trust on modern medicine and not enough trust on the fact that God has made us in such an incredibly complex and amazing way.

I post the things I post because it's my view. I sometimes post to maybe show people there are other ways of handling illness.

Might I also add that there is a difference between vaccinating and immunizing. I believe that vaccinations take away the body's built in immune system, so that, when compromised, it is unable to fight back, as it should.

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