ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Rosary, our modern day spiritual weapon; the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, our most precious gift and blessing from God; Babes, happy healthy, laughing, inquisitive, playing; Learning- about the Faith, my babes, myself, massage, others, DIY things, friends; , family; Reading a good book- about Faith, personal growth, self developement, history, science, health; Massages; deep and meaningful conversation- about Faith, family, politics, a good book; Nature: rivers, waterfalls, anything outdoors; Hiking; swimming; camping; a bon fire; travel; road trips; a pen and paper; peotry; writing poetry; blogging; cooking; clean laundry; freshly bathed babes; sleeping babes; a clean kitchen; Winter & the snow... babes playing in it; the tranquility that comes before a freshly fallen snow & the peace found after that I have yet to see anywhere else. Music; hugs; snuggles; wine; beer; coffee; wine with good company; Ice cream; sangria; snuggling with a loved one; being able to share my passions with someone; Summer... sunshine; swimming; running through the sprinkler; mowing the lawn; gardening; walks; long days; beautiful sunsets; breathtaking sunrises; coffee on the porch watching the sun rise; wine or beer on the porch watching the sun set. Spring... Holy Week; walks; flowers in bloom; Love... true love; a shoulder to lean on; a partner to navigate life with; a man... an Alpha; strong in the Faith; a praying man; chivalrous; learned; passionate; hard working; true love of my babes; wise; loving; transparent; honest; true; a reader; a best friend; a good sport. Good health, simplicity; Fall... pumpkin spice, the wondrous smells- rain; thunder storms; leaves; Pumpkin Spice; Salted Caramel; Apples; Cannning; baking. coffee shop days back on Whidbey; visits with William out on the Pier :); helping people; fresh cut grass. Spring... blooming flowers; signs of new life; chirping birds; butterflies; evening walks with babes and saying our Rosary; reading; reading with babes; making animal sounds; monkeying around with babes; cooking for a full house; The smell of freshly brewed coffee; A overly hot candlelight bubble bath; Essential oils; my massage studio~ my sanctuary; my own massage oil blends; freshly made laundry soap and fabric softener; breakfast for dinner; a fully stocked pantry; berries picked straight from the garden; homemade Mulligatawny Soup; Curry and Indian food; sushi; Ben and Jerry'sets Coffee Toffee Crunch; barefeet; flip flops; timepiece movies; comedies; travel channel; trivia games; board games; freshly washed sheets; Music; concerts in the park with great freinds; Hockey; Leavenworth; Ice skating; yoga pants; soft fuzzy blankets; Washington Park; Ferry rides; Star gazing; moon watching; picnics; a book so intriguing you can't put it down; a conversation so captivating you continue from sunset to sunrise; my massage studio; mat sessions; road trips; cross country flights; visiting new countries; 

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