ThinkExist Dynamic daily quotation

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Just Breathe...

So, I broke the news to my mother today about the pending divorce. She didn't start preaching as I assumed she would. Merely said that I wasn't married in the Church, so it was good. So glad that I can check that task off my list. Now I can focus on the rest.
Can anyone tell me hypothetically, if someone offered to help pay off your bills, would you accept? or would you be skeptical because almost never do people do something out of pure kindness & generosity?


  1. I know this was a while ago now but anyhow. I'm glad the talk with your mum wasn't as painful as it might have been. As for the second, I would definitely be skeptical because I'm cynical but at the same time, I'm so desperate right now I'd be like, helllls to the yes. lol I guess it depends you know?

  2. I hear ya! Right now, my tactics have changed from the bold take charge usual me to the, I have so much on my plate right now that I need to prioritize & that is not a top priority.I see it more as a stall tactic than anything els really. =)
